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Confidentiality Statement

TEAMmate Confidentiality Statement

The purpose of this call is an opportunity to check in and chat with one of our TEAMmates who can provide some listening support and signposting, this is not professional counselling or clinical support and it is a one off call only. 

TEAMmate's will be able to listen and signpost clients to appropriate further support where necessary and with their consent to do so.

Content of calls will remain confidential unless the TEAMmate is concerned that there is a risk* to the clients safety, and/or the safety of others. In such a case the TEAMmate will inform the client that they need to report their concern to appropriate services:

There may be times when individuals bring issues or experiences to the call that fall outside the remit of the call and skillset of TEAMmates in which case the TEAMmate will assess the level of risk* and/or signpost the client to more appropriate care.  

Data and notes relating to the call will be stored in private password protected files and not shared with any other individuals unless the case for concern is raised (see above). 

*we define risk as challenges associated with the mental, emotional or physical health of the individual that are outside the scope of the TEAMmate to manage and can therefore not be safely worked through on the call. As a result an individual might be deemed at risk to him/herself or the safety of others in the immediate-, medium-, or long-term. When this is the case the client will be supported in accessing the most appropriate further care. Some of the risk scenarios might include:

- Suicidal thoughts

- Self-harming behaviour

- Risk of harm to others

- Substance abuse or addiction

- Severe depression or anxiety

- PTSD or trauma symptoms

- Psychotic, dissociative or regressive symptoms

- Other issues that impact normal daily functioning